
Would you like to discover the hidden information contained in your birth date and name? Or discover your purpose for this year and synchronize yourself with it? These are just a few of the things a Numerology Reading can provide.

Numerology is an ancient art that involves the study of numbers as symbols with universal meanings. The collection of numbers found in your birth date plus the numbers that correspond to each letter of your name offer detailed information about who you are, your strengths, your talents, abilities, challenges and life lessons. To know your numbers is to know your Numerology blue print which is like a map of your life, so you can more easily fulfill your life purpose and destiny.

Numerology gives you a wealth of information such as your pre-chosen destiny and the life lessons you are meant to face in this lifetime. When you know where you are going you are in control and in the driver’s seat of your life. You can align yourself with the natural flow of energy in your life. And when you are in alignment with the energy around you, you are at ease because you are in alignment with Spirit or Source energy which wants the best for you.

Numerology also shows you the repeating cycles that occur in your life. You can see when it might be the best time to start a new business venture. Or when to move forward on some idea, when to make life changes, travel, focus on your family, or just pull back and focus on yourself.

It also helps with a deeper understanding of the people around you like your family and children, your partner and co-workers. Understanding why they behave the way they do can give you a new higher perspective of what’s going on with them. For instance, someone going through a 5th year cycle may have difficulties focusing their energy at home or spending time by themselves because the energy of their year is all about travel and expansion, not staying home and just following an everyday routine.

Understanding your unique numerological chart, derived from your name and birth date, gives you a powerful tool to improve every aspect of your life. You'll gain great insight into your true self and a better understanding of where you are right now and where you are headed in your life. You will be amazed how accurate the numbers can be! Schedule your Numerology reading today.

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